how to clean coffee maker without vinegar?

How to Clean Coffee Maker Without Vinegar?

Do you have any idea about how to clean coffee maker without vinegar? It’s just simple if you follow a few guidelines. 

Vinegar has a lot of cleaning powers: It can dissolve tough stains, and lighten even dirty dishes and utensils. 

Here are some ways to effectively clean your coffee brewer with vinegar without damaging or harming the appliance. You can have fun doing it!

White vinegar works best for cleaning your coffee machine’s interior. 

However, many people also use ordinary household vinegar to clean their coffee pots. 

When cleaning your coffee brewer with vinegar, you need to concentrate on these same qualities: killing bacteria, cleaning the outer surface of the pot, and removing any leftover dirt and dust. 

You can clean the outer surface with a cloth and dish washing detergent.

Once you’ve finished cleaning the pot, rinse it under warm running water to remove any soap residue. 

In addition to removing any soap residue, you should also rinse off any remaining deposits that may be left on the exterior of the machine. 

If you find that there are stubborn stains that you can’t remove with a cloth, you may need to use a mixture of two tablespoons of baking soda and two cups of water to scrub the stain. Do this once or twice to really get the stains out.

Another way to clean your coffee maker is to use a special cleaner that contains one cup of hydrogen peroxide and one cup of distilled water. 

All you need to do is mix up a solution of half hydrogen peroxide and half clear water. Then, just spray the entire thing onto the inside surface of the pot using a spray bottle or sponge. 

For this method to work, you’ll definitely want to pour one cup of the hydrogen peroxide mixture into the reservoir before you begin working the rest of the solution into the coffee maker’s interior chamber.

The third step to this how to clean coffee maker is to allow it to sit for about 20 minutes to properly mix the solution. 

Then, use a scrub brush to scrub the mixture gently all over the inside and exterior of the machine. 

You may need to repeat the process in reverse, meaning that you would start from the bottom of the coffee reservoir and work your way to the top. 

After you have finished this step, fill the coffee reservoir again with clean water and make sure that you replace the lid. Shake the machine gently to loosen any remaining bits of the solution.

The final step is to take a tartar removal compound and gently scrub the outside of the coffee pot. This may take some time and a few tries, but after several goes you will eventually be able to remove most of the tartar. 

It is important to note that if the residue that remains in the coffee pot or reservoir has hardened on the outside, it will be more difficult to remove. 

In order to solve this, it is recommended that you run the vinegar/water solution through the entire length of the pipe until there is no more residue.

Once you are sure that the tartar has been removed, you can proceed to cleaning the filter holder that sits atop the maker. 

To clean this part of the device, mix one tablespoon of baking soda and one cup of water. Use a scrub brush to clean the holder, then rinse with cold water.

If your maker uses an aluminum or copper bowl, the best way to remove tartar and prevent build-up is to place it under an open faucet or even on a counter-top before you begin cleaning. 

To clean the bowls themselves, simply mix equal parts of water and vinegar together until they are totally smooth. 

After you have cleaned these parts of the machine, rinse them under running water. 

Lastly, if your appliance uses a glass or plastic container, instead of adding water, you can use the acid contained within the container to clean it.

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